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Know Your Rights

It is important that you know your rights when ICE agents come to your home, place of work, stop you in the street, or while driving.

The information below does not substitute attorney's advise. Should you have any questions or doubts, please do not hesitate to contact us for advice and assistance of professional immigration attorneys.

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Your General Rights

  • You have the right to remain silent. 
  • You have the right to speak to a lawyer. 
  • DO NOT LIE. It will only make the situation worse in future.
  • You do NOT have to disclose the following information:
    • Your place of birth
    • Your immigration status
    • Your criminal record
  • You do NOT have to give them the following documents unless they have a judicial warrant:
    • Your consular documents
    • Your passport
    • You do not have to sign anything

Your Rights while Driving

While driving, you may be detained by:

  • A police officer (more frequently)
  • Border Patrol (especially alongside border states)

If stopped by the police:

  • Stop your vehicle and turn on the emergency lights.
  • Lower the window, keep your hands visible.
  • Show your license, registration and proof of insurance upon the officer’s request.
  • DO NOT show false documents.
  • Showing foreign ID’s is not recommended, but if you have a reason to believe this will help you avoid being taken to a police precinct and get a ticket instead, it may be reasonable to do so.
  • Do not give the following information:
    • Your immigration status
    • Your country of origin.
  • You have the right to remain silent.
  • You have the right to not consent to vehicle search without a proper warrant, unless there is reasonable suspicion.

If stopped by Border Patrol

  • They may have suspicion of an immigration violation or crime
  • They may ask questions about your immigration status.
  • You cannot be stopped on race or ethnicity basis only
  • You have the right to remain silent
  • You do not have to sign anything

*The majority of Border Patrol checkpoints is located near the Northern border with Canada.

**Regardless of the information above, everyone should act based on common sense and whatever is safer in each given situation.

Your Rights at the Place of Employment

  • ICE agents may freely enter a PoE which is open to the public.
  • ICE agents cannot freely enter a non-public PoE without consent of the employer, or a valid warrant.

Employment Authorization:

  • Employers are required by law to verify EAD (Employment Authorization Documents) of their employees and you may be requested to fill out an I-9 form in order to verify or reverify your status.
  • You have right to ask your employer to allow some time while you are preparing the documents.
  • Do not submit false documents, IDs, SSN, etc.
  • If you receive a minimum wage or your right to organize, it is illegal for your employer to threaten you with ICE.

Any breaches by the ICE might be challenged in court.